From: Robert Bellefleur, Quebec, Canada. PPC with Suzuki-GEO G13BB engine, SPG-3 & KOOLprop![]()
Salut Vassili Danny Lareguy, Quebec, Canada.
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Hi Mr Vasili
i am sending you this e-mail to show you my gratitude for all the support you and airtikes as given me since i decided to learn and fly my trike wich I assembled with your help from a kit - model RW50 . I wish if possible that you put this e-mail
as a reference on your website so people could undersatnd how satisfied i was with an experience i put myself into ! I love the fact that you took the time to show me and teach me lots about trikes flying before i decided
to buy my trike from you witch by the way is in my honnest opinion the best trike for the money you can buy and i have plenty of power with my suzuki engine 100hp and i have no dought that the fuel injection is best over carburator
like other airplane engine , so all that said i am very happy with my trike and i fly faster and climbing rate is great even with a passenger . I will gladly recommend anyone wanting to learn about fling , buying or even just technical support on anything regarding trike Mr Vasili
and Airtrikes is the place to go or call with the aded bonus that it is less expensive too , Mr Vasili is truly a good person to deal with and i will keep doing business with him as long as i fly trikes.
Sincerly Danny Lareguy
From: Lynn Schuetze;
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: mini air boat
How are you? I wanted to send you some photo's of my mini airboat I made with your Kool-prop. Turned out perfect very very happy with it. It goes about 35 miles an hour, with two people. Thanks for your help on the prop.
I am surprised more guys are not using the kool-prop on there mini airboats. I have read many forums on the mini airboat and I think I am the only one using the kool-prop. If you need a testimonial from me for your website - here it is.
The best advertising is a over satisfied customer, that's me. Last year I spent hours and hours researching and looking for the perfect prop for my mini airboat, and found the KOOL-prop from Air Trikes Enterprises.
People tell me that they can"t believe how quiet and how well it pushes my mini airboat.
If you are looking for a high performance prop for your mini airboat this is the one.
My name is Alberto Santori and I live in Sant'Elpidio a Mare, central
Italy. In Sept. 07 2007 I have ordered a complete G10
engine converted with SPG-2 from Air Trikes. The engine arrived in Italy
Nov. 02 2007. Everything was as promised . The quality of the engine
and parts was very good. Additional materials were clear to understand. I started working
with my installation. During my work I asked for help from Air Trikes
and for a few spare parts. All questions were answered promptly so I
received all the support I asked for.The engine was installed on the plane
and started. It was running very regular since the beginning though I
had to solve the cooling issue of the radiator due to the not ideal
position I placed it.After adjusting the hot air extraction the
plane started to fly the end of 2008 and was sold to the customer
after several hours of test flight.
To Sept. 2010 as far as I know, my customer/friend has logged 76 hours. Fuel
consumption less that 2 gph, temps in the normality. He had a problem with
boiling water coming out. It seemed it was because of a faulty thermostat
valve... The problem was fixed , engine wasn't damaged at all, the plane
keeps flying .
All together I'm very satisfied to work with Air Trikes and can
recommend other people to deal with this company. If you want more
info, my phone is +39 339794319 and my email is iskandat at
Later I have bought a set of plans for Eagle trike with
Suzuki engine from Air Trikes, working slowly with this project now as
other projects come first .
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From: Stephen Johnston
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: exciting prop test results
First of all I want to say thanks for suggesting this Kool prop. I finished the static thrust tests today and here are today's results.
Kool prop Rotax 912s
8.2degrees pitch--- 5300RPM static 527lbs. thrust outside temp. 18degree F.
6.8degrees pitch--- 5575RPM static 530lbs. thrust outside temp. 20degree F.
9 degrees pitch--- 5100 RPM static 507lbs. thrust outside temp. 22degree F.
Wood comp Rotax 912s
17degree pitch --- 5300RPM static 385lbs. thrust 22degree F.
I am surprised. I did not expect to see such good numbers for the Kool. At 5300 RPM the Kool prop pulls 142 lbs. more than the Woodcomp prop.
Static thrust of 5.3 lbs. per 1 HP is amazing! I checked the calibration of the scale against a digital scale at 500lbs and my pull test scale was within a couple pounds.
I am looking forward to the flights tests. The attached photo shows the prop mounted on my 701. The prop is big and it looks robust.
From: Stephen Johnston
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: test flight with 73" prop
I did fly my Zenith701 with the 73" prop. My 73" blades are smooth at the higher RPMs but start to get rough at low cruise RPM settings. I suspect the carbs need to be balanced so I will try that first.
I also want to recheck the pitch on each blade. I flew the 73" blades for a short flight with skis on and it climbed out at 5400 RPM at 65MPH and 1300' per min. with about 16 gallons fuel and me at
165 lbs. Wide open throttle at 5800 RPM I showed 105MPH. For my aircraft those are good numbers.
I hope to order the 69" KOOLprop soon. Steve.
Later Steve tested 69" KOOLprop. Short results:
Wide Open throttle, he got 108 MPH with 5700 RPM, +13MPH more than factory built and tested 701 with the same engine!
65MPH climbing, +135 FPM won even with 400RPM less!!!
Cruising at 3000ft with 5300-5500 8pm is +8+9MPH faster than before!!!
And takeoff distance is significantly shortrer.
So he has won not only in takeoff distance and climbing performances but in cruising too. Look
He got 13 MPH Top speed more than a prototype with recommended prop, and +100FPM better climbing. Actually looking at this table, we can say going from a standard prop to KOOL we can win
the same as going from 912 to 912S with 20HP more , but this modification would cost much more than going from one prop to another.
Posted by: Debra and Patrick Nesbitt
Lumby, British Columbia Canada, July 24, 2010
Subject: MISS KOOL picture
KOOLprop is smooth and quiet. Flew 2 hours this evening with the KOOL prop, what a big improvement over previous (GSC) prop. It really jumps when you hit the throttle, all around a really good prop. Hope to go flying tomorrow after work.
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From: Ian Ellis
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: A very KOOL Savannah
Hi Vassili
Well the prop was fitted. Early start Sunday , take off run was a little over 40 mtrs with 1st stage flap and climbed out at 50 kts @1100 fpm and 5500rpm and would have gone into the red but that was OK . Cruise 75 kts at 4700-4800 rpm 85 kts @ 5000- 5100 rpm 95-7 @5400.
The prop is smooth and well balanced and well made, now that I was happy with the performance I flew to a local club BBQ and a meeting with the president of the Recreational Aviation Australia who flies a Foxbat ( kiev prop ) who inspected the prop and liked it.
So my friend the Kool prop was very cool and very smooth. I will be looking at ordering about 10 props and spinners, what will the postage be? As it is so close to Chrismas I might have to draw off your stock maybe four props and a couple of spinners just for the Flyin at Evans Head? I can then advertise in the local recreational flying mag with conviction (8000 pilots and 20000 copies each month ) and love the product. I have tried Brolga and IVO and yes shake ,wobble and enough vibration to loosen rivets. At new year we have a flyin that normally has about 150 aircraft turn up each day and I normally sell at least one Savannah kit and the other pilots all want to see what prop you have , how to improve their aircraft. I'm not an aeronautical Engineer like you and I may ask some questions about props that sound a bit silly to you, but as they say horses for courses in other word I know my trade you know yours so if you think that I'm doing something wrong say so as you are the expert in this field. Regards Ian
These are pictures from my Motherland - typical "Russian Flying Jeeps" - Zenith 701 with Subaru converted with SPG gearbox and with Rotax 912 both with KOOLprops. Such planes are used in Russia not only for fun flying but also for crop spraying (you can see a chemical tank and sprayers), patrolling etc. Subaru-SPG powerplant is well proven and I think can be used by 701-Savannah builders in other countries. It gives not only highest thrust and smoothness. Its solid riveted stainless steel leading edge is the best protection against "out of airport" landings (tall grass, dirt, drops of water, gravel etc.) Definitely KOOLprop is the right choice for STOL and bush planes.
My short comment: Al Griffin is the first pilot in North America started to fly KLASS trike with 100 HP Suzuki-GEO G13BB converted
with SPG-2 gearbox. It was in 2004. The trike performances are really good even with his 280LB weight, he flies his trike and happy. His 2005 year comments are here too. He changed the X-wing
recently (his wing was damaged by a strong wind), now he installed new 69" KOOLprop. His comments from FlyGEO group below:
Date: Oct 03, 2010
,,,,my old blue prop that came with my 1.3 klass trike was tuned to perfection,,,,i was their when we spent a full day testing,,it,,,,and it took 5200 rpm to get a good take off speed and climb,,,,,, i changed out to the kool prop,,,,got better take off ,,and better climb with engine only turning 4800 at take off,,,,and mind you ,,,all of this was seat of the pants stuff,,,,and certainly not scientific ,,,,by no means,,,but ihad been takeing off from my home field,,,at a certain point ,,,and i decresed this by many feet,,,,it is a point on my runway i call go no go,,,,,i now fly the kool prop at cruise ,,,at about 3800 rpm give or take,,,,,i could not maintain alt,,,with the blue prop doing that,,,,,aint goann argue with you ,,folks cause i know most are much smarter than me,,,,but iam very pleased ,,,,with my kool prop,,,,scientific results or not,,,,,Al
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:14 PM
I send you some pictures. Max speed of our hydrocopter is about 100 km/h. Its designed for professional wishermans and authorities, and carry 400kg,
so it is about 2 wishermans and accessories. It runs on snow, ice, water, swamp and grass. One craft is sold now, Kysti builds 3 more.
Heres link to newspaper, but it is finnish. Google translate it somehow.
We like the engine and prop very much, we will buy 3 more sets from you soon
Hi Vasilli,
thought you might like the feedback
Cheers graeme...
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:39:58 +1000
Hi Graeme,
the engine sounds just great , lots of grunt , cheers , Salvador
G13a 8valve engine with spg-2 and using a Bing carb we purchased from Jabiru aircraft Co. VERY impressed and it spun up very quickly
From: Lawrence.Stapleton@BSHG.COM
Subject: Stapleton Eagle - N961LS
My background - I have been in sales for over 20 years, but prior I worked in the Maintenance Dept for a major water heater mfg. We fabricated all of our production equipment, so I learned to weld, operate machine shop equipment and fabricate. These are skills I have tried to keep up the best I can.
My work area consists of a small garage and most hand tools and power tools. However, I do not have access to any lathes or end mills.
Your plans were pretty straight forward and easy to interpret.
Not having access to a lathe, I modified the plans and used Schedule 80 PVC hose connectors, sanded down to fit as reinforcement sleeves in the axle and suspension tubes... I used aluminum saddles on all connections of brackets to the main airframe tubes. On the end of the main tube where it connects to the upright tube, I did use a piece of solid 2" round bar and extended it about and inch out the back. I was then able to cut it down with a hacksaw, so the I would have a connector point for the down tubes from the engine mount.
On the front suspension, I used a front suspension assembly from a Yamaha Razz Scooter that I purchased from Ebay. I then modified it. For seats I believe I will be using cushions modified from Outdoor Patio Furniture.
Fuel tank - I have purchased a 15 gallon opaque gas tank from Moeller Industries. The only pieces I had to have made were the axles. I had them made using 6061T6 Aluminum Round Bar turned down to slip fit into the axle tube. I then had a 3/4" hole center drilled and 3/4" hardened steel rod pressed into the aluminum sleeve. The whole assembly was then fit into the axle drilled in two placed and through bolts installed to hold the asm in place.
Hope this info is interesting to you - It has been fun building this trike. I have purchased a Gibbo Manta 17.5 M Folding Wing to be used and I have had some flight training with Mike Percy from Fort Walton Florida. I am a commercial - instrument rated pilot with over 1200 flight hours. I also am an experienced skydiver with over 1000 jumps. This experience has made the transition relatively smooth.
Thought I would let you know that I passed the airworthiness inspection and am now flying my trike. At this point I have about 10 hours flown of the 40
hours required for Phase 1 Flight Testing. During the airworthiness inspection there was no problem having a ready wing. The inspector gave some credit
for the assembly of the wing and attaching it to the trike. I kept a builders log that listed the date and what items I worked on on that date. The
inspector I used was from my local FAA Flight Standards District Office
Thank you,
Larry Stapleton
Mobile: (601) 291-6243
From: Tyler, Gale
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:18 AM
Subject: GEO Wiring Harness and help
I want to thank you so much for all your help and excellent workmanship and quality of your wiring harness for the GEO G13BB just purchased by Scott Adair. I was the rebuilder of the engine and I was in charge of integrating the electrics etc. Friday night we called you with a problem we encountered during engine start and you gave us the crucial information we needed to finish the job. This was regarding the oil pan gasket that wasnt supposed to be there We removed it, sealed the pan with sealant and the engine started instantly. We really appreciate your outstanding knowledge and customer service. If we had to discover this discrepancy on our own it would have taken days Thanks very much. The aircraft was flown Sunday, three times without a single problem.
I am very interested in your trike for myself. I am a PPG pilot, and I love my sport but Im interested in the trike for tandem purposes and extended flying time in more turbulent conditions. I really like the GEO engine since Ive overhauled one its an excellent powerplant. My background is in mechanics and I am impressed by this affordable rugged little motor.
What would it cost me for one of your trikes? I am interested in partial construction and maybe rebuilding one primarily, but a turn key is not out of the question. (I enjoy putting my own touches on things). What do you have on hand or do you have any packages that are available?
Thanks very much,
Gale T. Tyler
Viera, Florida
From: Ted green
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 8:05 PM
Hello Vassili
I'm happy to report that I now have 171 hours on my Eagle. I should have twice as many hours, but unfortunately work and personal life get in the way. My Eagle is now an N-numbered (N2653E) aircraft (ELSA) as of 01/2008. The Engine (G13B SOHC throttle body fuel injected) turned out to be a perfect choice. With an airspeed of 42-45 mph, level flight is attained with 3,800 - 4,100 engine rpm at 1.3 - 1.5 gallons per hour one person. With 2 people the consumption increases to about 2 gph. These fuel consumption numbers appear to be significantly better than comparable trikes with the G10B engine which has to turn at 4,400+ rpm for the same cruise. Max climb rate is sea level to 3,000' is between 900' - 1,100' per minute depending on air density. At 10,000' max climb is 600' per minute.
The trike with the X-14 wing cruises comfortable with 2 people and handles like a sports car flying solo. Most of my flying is cross country. With the large fuel tank (12 gallons) and modest fuel consumption, flight time is only limited by my need for the bathroom. I run full synthetic oils in the engine and gearbox, change them every 25 hours, and have no noticeable consumption between oil changes. I'm sure I could go longer between oil changes, but oil and filters are relatively cheap compared to engines and the price of fuel.
Ted Green
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From: Jim Davidson
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 8:16 AM
Subject: KOOLprop
My new KOOL Prop is GREAT! I was sure that having a faster
wing would mean I would have to spin the prop faster, more RPM, more fuel. Well
that is not the case. I'm now cruising at 60 mph and engine is at 5000
rpm. Actually better than the performance I got with the Warp Drive
with a slower wing. KOOL PROP.....VERY COOL!
Thanks Vasilli.
From: Ellis Snydal
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:16 PM
Subject: RE: Subaru EJ, redrive SPG-2
Thank You Vassili for the fast response. I have attached some pictures.
The gear box and adapter you sold me has worked out very well. The gear box is quite. Thanks to your gear box and adapter it made it a lot
easier to get the prop at the right speed. I am currently using a 72 inch Kiev Prop. I have a factory flywheel that I turned down and it weights
about 16 lbs. I bought an aluminum flywheel this week that is 10.6 lbs. This will also help take off some pounds. I also will change my stock
alternator over to a Subaru Justy alternator because it is three pounds lighter. The muffler I am using is a Super Trapp. I currently have two
and will go to one this spring to also remove some weight. The Subaru 2.2 liter is heavy but it is the best engine for longevity and performance.
This engine is a 2001 and I decided to use OBD I instead of OBD II. It is a lot simpler and works just as well as OBD II. I have 23 hours on it
and when I get to 40 hours the FAA will certify it and I can fly any where I want. The Rans S6ES plane is a great plane and works well with the Subaru engine.
Posted by: Roy Markham
Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:02 am (PST)
Subject: AC Clipper trike Powered with Geo-Suzuki G10 Turbo & SPG-2 gearbox
Well I have the Air Creation with the G10T. I had the 582 previously.
Peformance is much better esp at all up weight.
My base is 5500ft AMSL (Normal DA of around 7500-8200!!!)
Climb rate at MTOW is better than the 582 was one up!
Using cruise control and taking off at around 4500-4800rpm gives
around 650fpm (my 582's WOT). I also get around 5l/h when flying with
around 30l of fuel. With a full tank the fuel is around 6-7l/h and my
trike cruises at about 58mph hand off.
I'm totally happy with the engine as the fuel consumption is so low I
can do almost 750 miles (1200km) with one normal sized tank
(60l)! Not to mention that at my altitude I have more power than a
For anyone flying from a high altitude I will not hessitate to
recommend Vassili's product. I will try the G13 next but for now I'm
happy to have the Turbo.
At one point I was climbing bar in at about 85mph and VSI was off the
I have had some minor things to sort out but mostly as I couldn't copy
anyones engine mount due to my boot / luggage area. The engine has a
rough spot at 1500. Cruise is 3600rpm one up @ 5l/h (1.3 US Gal) +-50%
My trike is not a light trike either, it weighs 225kg empty still less
than a 912. At idle the gearbox is louder than a 912 and in flight the
engine has a more throaty sound. Bystanders say it sounds like a V8
Chevy .
The only negative comment I've had is it's size looks big compared to
a rotax. From what I've seen the size is misleading as it's not heavy
even though it looks big.
For the price what else is there really? Powerwise the engine fits
inbetween a 912S and a 914 - at my altitude.
I glad to answer any questions.
From: David de Figueiredo
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 10:27 AM
Subject: Eagle trike Powered with a new MPFI, 93 hp. Suzuki, SPG-2 gearbox and KOOLprop
Hello Vassili,
I thank you for your valuable suggestions. I would not have thought of that on my own. You have no idea as to the amount of interest this has generated. This is surely the best trike that could be used as a trainer. I have seen the potential , and I am going to build another one straight away. I will incorporate your auggestions too. You will see.
As far as the X-14 wing is concerned, it is just EXTRAORDINARY. I did an aproach with my leg off the throttle and just let her glide down on idle power. There was no problem whatsoever. The engine thrust was complimented with the X-14 wing and the result was unbelieveable. I have never flown something like this ever. Hats off to you for encouraging me all the way.
From: Murray R. Green
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: success
Vassili; The Corvair engine with the SPG2 and Kool prop is just an excellent combination. I got about an hour on the plane last night. I can't get over how
smooth and quite the engine/gearbox/prop combination is. Excellent takeoff and climb.
Please send me you exact mailing address as I would like to send you a video of the flights. I couldn't be happier. The gearbox and prop seem to be
made for the Corvair engine. Thank you for all your advices and support.
Murray Green
Rosetown Sask.
RagWing Stork RW-20
From: Corey Butcher
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 19:09:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Voisin at Oshkosh
Vassili, I have every intention of FLYING to Oshkosh. The
airplane will be ready by the end of March for final inspection. I should be able to fly off my restrictions before June, weather permitting.
I'll be sure to let everyone know.
When I see you at Oshkosh, I promise to give you BIG RUSSIAN BEAR HUG, YAH? 8^)
You can see his excellent web-site HERE And YES, he is flying his Voisin now!!!
From: bob geerhart
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: SPG-2, Cool Prop, Spinner
Spinner was received today. Thanks. I must tell you, ALL of the material, and parts I have purchased from you have been exceptional. The quality of every product has been excellent. It has been a real pleasure working with you.
As I said in my previous e mail, I will be sending you lots of pictures of this project. I have already received several inquiries about some of the things I am doing to this Titan.
Again, Vassilli, my experiences with you have been some of the best that I have experienced.
Your friend.
Bob Geerhart
Waiting for your pictures and flying report, and good luck Bob!
From: Al Griffin
Date: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:27 pm
Subject: solo flight taken by new pilot
I just want to take the time for just a minute to let you know that i was able to solo klass 1.3 geo engine trike with 17.5m X-17 wing. I purchased this trike at sun and fun. After training for a mere 4 hours in the Aquilla with its very light touch wing i was able to transfer over to my Klass Trike and wing and Breeze the landings. The glide and stability of the Klass wing surpasses anything i have experienced. Now for the performance of the 17.5m wing and my big Butt of 275 lbs was totally awesome. The climb out performance was at 1300 + f/m i could throttle back and cruise at approx. 4500 rpm at a speed 60-62 mph. With no bar pulled in. For my very first flight in my own trike we did a short cross country to allow me to get used to the klass trike and wing (with instructor) i actually had to fly back in a rain storm. The windshield and pod on trike were very much appreciated. Except for a little rain on my hands and arms i was completely dry.
I am a consumer just as everyone else. My money that i spent traiding and purchasing the trike was by far the best. Im not going to drag it out any longer just to let you know that a 49 year old man has had his dreams come true with this entire experience. I do not do computers (my daughter is typing this for me) but if anyone has any questions feel free to call me toll free 1-877-290-2562 please before 9pm est. Thank you AL Griffin
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Date: May 07, 2005
Subject: I tested Vassili"s Koolprop
.... I have been working a lot of hours for the past four months and today I took time off and installed the 69" diameter beautiful black sexy 3 blade KOOLprop, set it about 15 degrees at 11.25" from the winglet tip, fired up the engine, checked for tracking, taxied out to do a high speed run and check the static settint on the runway, I found my nose wheel rotating off the grass at about the same distance that the 72" 3 bladed IVO would normally rotate even do my static reading was reading lower then the IVO.
I went for it, I flew over 2 hours, I am very impressed with the performance, it climbs better, it cruises faster, it is much-much quiter and smoother. Vassili you are a person of your word! You do and say what said you would, I am impressed, thank you.
Jim Alexandre. Check his website BTW, he bought 2 Spg-2 gearboxes for his new engine progects - G13BB flat and EA-81 injected.
Date: July 19, 2006
Subject: Koolprop
Tried the new 67" KOOLprop out today. It made a big difference over the 70" IVO I used before, Better climb about 200fpm more, the plane lifted off way quicker, and cruise
was way lower rpm, but the best was how much smoother and quieter it is. You were right with your advise to change the prop!
ken richter
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From: "Richardson's"
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: Kool Prop
Vassili......Greetings from Arizona. Have been flying the trike for over
25 hours now and really have enjoyed it. I noticed you have a picture of
mine on your site...makes me proud, thanks. I really love the kool prop.
Unfortunatly, while taking off from a dirt road to help some ranchers
locate some missing cows, I hit a rock and distroyed the prop. Need another set of KOOLblades.
Thanks, John
Date: Jan 6, 2006
From: "moe" moe11309...
Subject: Eagle-GEO built in Florida
Just wanted to write to thank you for all your support and let you know that Ive been flying my Eagle/ Geo trike and everything is going great. The trike is built like a tank, I followed your blue print 95% but made a few modifications to speed construction along but overall if you look at the pic its an Eagle trike, stable on the ground with its low c/g and wide wheel base and great in the air since it fits me comfortably. I fly the trike from both pavement and grass and it handles both well. The Geo with SPG-2 redrive is definitely plenty of power for my needs and once I worked out my carb and ignition issues ( no computer ) it works better then expected .
You are more then welcome to give out my email address to prospective customers but do not post it on your website (don't want spam)
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 12:07:22 -0000
Subject: Klass Cruise / Geo Trike Report
My new Klass Cruise / Geo 1.0 Trike now has about 15 hours on it and I thought I'd share some information about it. The trike itself is robust and feels extremely secure. The pod is very strong and can easily hold a 200lb person standing in it while getting into and out of the seats. It feels like it's built like a tank. The seats are very comfortable. The rear seat is styled around a 'bucket' type seat and has a lot of space (both in width and legroom). Both seats have a 4 point seatbelt, although neither are recoil which is probably my only complaint about the whole trike.
The performance of the trike is great and I am extremely happy with this aspect. The engine is a Suzuki Geo 1.0L, with 3 cylinders, converted with SPG-2 gearbox. It's fuel injected so there are no concerns about carb icing, mixture control, carburettor adjusting, etc. It runs very smooth and can idle at as low as 600RPM with little or no vibration at all. It is smooth running during power applications and maxes out at 5700RPM on my trike. One great advantage of this engine is that spare parts can be bought at any automotive supplier very cheaply, without having to order parts through other engine manufacturers such as Rotax.
Take off roll is very short and with one person flying on a cool (for Florida) morning at around 50 degrees F, I can easily achieve a 1100fpm rate of climb at max power, although I usually climb out at around 5400RPM and 800fpm. With 2 people on board, 700+fpm is attainable at max power. Cruise speed of 55mph happens with 4300RPM and again the engine is very smooth and quiet at this setting.
The wing I have is the X-14. It's balanced very nicely and is light in roll, progressively getting heavier as roll input increases, which I like. Medium and steep banked turns are effortless and the wing displays great stability and is very predictable and forgiving. Stalls are mild and occur at around 34mph. As soon as power is applied or the nose is lowered the wing comes out of the stall and is flying again immediately with little pilot input. Max speed is claimed at around 85mph, however I've only taken it up to 75 or so. All in all, it's a great machine. I'm just a very satisfied customer. I highly recommend the Klass Cruise to anybody looking for a great performing, solid trike.
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Date: August 07, 2006
Subject: Koolprop initial impression
Thank you Vassili!
I like the Kool Prop. I like the white color and the stainless steel leading edge. The curled tips look Kool and my wife said the trike is noticeably quieter when I fly.
When tuning the prop with the trike restrained, I was very surprised to see the rear tires on the trike lifted off the ground when I approached 75% throttle. Wow! what a difference in thrust with the Kool Prop versus the 70" Ivo prop. I will say it made me nervous to increase the speed to full throttle to check the max rpm of the engine.
When I flew the trike for the first time with the Kool Prop I was well pleased at the shorter take off distance and very suprised at the much faster rate of climb. In fact, when I let the wing back out to the neutral position at about 50' AGL I felt like I was going to go verticle. I had to pull the wing back in a great deal and keep it there until my initial climb out to 200' AGL. During this time the trike was still climbing at 700 fpm! Once at 200' AGL I felt a bit more comfortable and slowly relaxed the wing to the nuetral position while easing off on the throttle.
With the Ivo 70" prop I would pull the bar in slightly after lift off and at 50' AGL I could ease the control bar back to the neutral setting and climb at 600 ~ 700 fpm.
At cruise speed the Kool prop is a great deal quieter than the Ivo Prop. The vibration factor between the two props is very evident at all rpm ranges. The Kool Prop has a slight virbration at 5200 rpm and I am not sure if it is the prop or the engine. I will say though the virbration and rough running engine in the 3,000 ~ 3900 rpm range is completely gone with the Kool Prop. I always thought the MZ202 was just a rough running engine at the lower rpm range, not so, it was the Ivo Prop.
"Rocky" Ron Bertsch
Date: July 5, 2006
rafael salinas
Date: June 13, 2006
Subject: msg from Micky at Greenbank Airport
Love my 67" KOOLprop--I will let you know future thoughts but at this time there is a real excitement --about 2-300 foot per minute improvement after IVO, much quieter, and cruise seems to be lower--I need some more time to access performance levels--but looks very positive. VasilLi - setting the pitch is very simple--sorry about my concerns.
"Micky Jovkovic"
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 16:54:51 -0000
From: "yark_the_bar_back"
Subject: SPG-2
I recieved the gearbox assembly from Vassili and Im very
with the quality of it.
Choosing this re-dive over the belt system has definitly
made up my
mind that this is the better of the two. I personally think
having to mount the distributor on the rear of the engine is
nonsence. I have no doubts that I would trade with him
considering that what Ive been told is absolutely correct
upto now. I
dont think that if any problems arise, he would`nt be able
to help me
out. With what members on this group have posted about Raven
makes you think if it would be the same dealing with them?
No, this isnt spam, just letting people know of good service
I`ve had
from Vassili during my project. ......Gordon.
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Richard is flying Colb with G10 turbo. He bought a new Raven belt redrive first. Then he saw some of our trikes with SPG-2 conversion flying an Sun And Fun and sold Raven system to buy SPG-2. His web-site with a lot of useful info about G10 turbo is HERE
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